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What is Remote Support?

You may have heard the term “Remote Support”, but what is it? Remote Support allows a specially trained off-site direct service provider to monitor (only as outlined in a specifically designed plan) and respond to a person’s health, safety, and other needs using live, two-way communication.

Getting Started

Are you interested in Remote Support but unsure of how to get started? Here are some steps to guide you to a better understanding of how it works and how you can start to use Remote Support.

Getting Started

Technology First

DODD’s Technology First initiative aims to help people learn more about how to use technology to improve their quality of life and how they can experience more independence and personal freedom. Learn about the Technology First initiative, and how Remote Support plays a role, by clicking below.

Technology First

Interested in using Remote Support?

Contact your Service and Support Administrator (SSA) to see if Remote Support would be a good option for you.

Contact an SSA

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