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Memorial Grove is a place to remember those who have touched our lives in a special way. Located at the Medina County Achievement Center, there is a walking path with a serene lake side view of the grounds. 

Who may be honored in Memorial Grove?

Past clients, volunteers, family members, staff members, board members, etc., who were associated with the Medina County Board of DD may be remembered by a donation to the Memorial Grove.

How can you honor someone in Memorial Grove?

There are commemorative bricks, trees, shrubs, benches and a gazebo which are used for quiet reflection. If you would like to honor someone in Memorial Grove through a donation toward one of these commemorative items, please fill out the form below. Once you submit the form, you will be contacted regarding payment and further information. It is important to note that bricks have a set price of $35 each, which includes the cost of the brick, the engraving and the placement.

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